Mr Connor McCann is asked to sit on the Belfast Housing Market Analysis steering group.


The Steering Group which has been established by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive to guide and assist with one of its key strategic research and planning projects comprises the following members:

  • John Armstrong, CEF

  • Jay Colville, CML

  • Alan Crowe, NICHA

  • Neil Gibson, Oxford Economics

  • Connor McCann, NLA

  • Tom McClelland, RICS

  • Professor Stanley McGreal, UUJ

  • Stephen Martin, DSD

  • Chris Williamson, NIFHA

  • Professor Ken Gibb, Glasgow University

  • Stephen Semple, NIHE

  • Joy Frey, NIHE

The role of the steering group is to advise the project team and the Housing Executive on the appropriateness of the analysis underpinning and findings emerging form the Belfast Housing Market Study. They will also provide advice in terms of developing future analysis and modelling of Northern Ireland's housing market.